11 August 2014

I have used console.log to debug Grunt for a long time until I found node-inspector

it is pretty easy to setup debug enviroment

  1. install node-inspector globally

     npm install -g node-inspecor
  2. inspect debug port

     node-inspecor &  //& means run in background
  3. node –debug-brk $(whick grunt) task if you saw debugger listening on port 5858 then you success

  4. open chrome goto http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858

if you are working under windows. then you need enter the absolut path of node.exe as well as grunt-cli

D:\work\projects\itms>"c:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" --debug-brk "C:\Program
 Files\nodejs\node_modules\grunt-cli\bin\grunt" release

use node debug to debug node debug node js

Stepping cont, c - Continue execution next, n - Step next step, s - Step in out, o - Step out pause - Pause running code (like pause button in Developer Tools)

Watchers To start watching an expression, type watch("my_expression"). watchers prints the active watchers. To remove a watcher, type unwatch("my_expression").

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