11 April 2015
  1. the new keywords can be add to any Functions
new Function();
  1. when the new keywords was added, the function call becomes a constructor call

  2. when a constructor call happened, there are 4 things happened

function Foo() {
    1. a brand new object was created
    2. the object linked to the prototype of the constructor
    3. the object was set to thisargs of the constructor
    this.name = 'sean';
    4. the object was returned from the constructor

var obj = new Foo();

understard prototype

in javascript Object is a function, it’s prototype was linked to and object when create a class Foo, the prototype of Foo was set to and object, and this object linked to the prototype of Object

prototype is the property of a constructor while constructor is a property of prototype

__proto__ is a getter function of the Object.prototype

when calling foo.proto, it first look for proto of it’s own, if not found, it look for its’ [[Prototype]], until it found it tunrs out __proto__ is a getter function of the top of the linkage Object.prototype

foo.__proto__ === Object.getPrototypeOf(foo)
foo.constructor === Foo
foo.__proto__ === foo.constructor.prototype


Object Link to Other Object

this is another way to think object inherits in javascript

first let’s look at how it was achieve in triditional oop

// create a constructor Foo
function Foo(who) {
    this.me = who;

Foo.prototype.identify = function() {

function Bar() {

// inherits from Foo.prototype, set the constructor to Bar
Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype, {
    constructor: Bar

var b1 = new Bar();

now let’s see how to achieve in OLOO

var Foo = {
    init: function(who) {
        this.me = who; 
    identify: function() {
        return 'I am ' + this.me;

var Bar = Object.create(Foo);

Bar.speak = function() {
    alert('Hello' + this.identify());

var b1 = Object.create(Bar);

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