31 July 2014

install grunt-init globally

	npm install -g grunt-init

cloning the package into ~/.grunt-init/gruntfile(*nux) or %userprofile%/.grunt-init/gruntfile(windows)

	git clone [url for init.git] ~/.grunt-init/gruntfile

###using the scaffolding

	grunt-init gruntfile

###create inline task

var fs = require('fs');
		'options': {
			folderToScan: "./files"
grunt.registerTask('checkFileSize', 'Task to check file Size', function(debug){ //the debug parameter is passed into callback in the commandline

// Merge task-specific and/or target-specific options with these defaults.
	var options = this.options({
		folderToScan: ''
	if(this.args.length !==0 && debug !== undefined){
		grung.log.writeflags(options, 'Options');

	grunt.file.recurse(options.folderToScan, function(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename){
			var stats = fs.statSync(abspath);
			var asBytes = stats.size / 1024;
			grunt.log.writeln("Found file %s with size of %s kb", filename, asBytes);

grunt checkFileSize:true
in that way, debug is passed as true

create custom grunt plugins

clone the grunt-init-gruntplugin repo into ~/.grunt-init folder

git clone https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-init-gruntplugin gruntplugin

create a project folder grunt-init gruntplugin


checkFileSize: {
	options: {  //globle options

	dev: {
		src: ['./files']
	prod: {
		options: { // overrides options
			debug: false		

		files: [
			{src: './files'},
			{src: './files'}


	function dumpDebugInfomation(target) {
		var options = target.options();
		var files = target.files;
		if(!options.debug) {return;}
		grunt.log.writeln('running target: '+target.target);
		grunt.log.writeflags(options, 'Target Options');
			grunt.log.writeln('Configured Folder: '+filePath);
	grunt.registerMultiTask('checkFileSize', 'description', function(){

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