04 November 2013

How to auto build typescript file with grunt and node

install nodejs

install typescript with admin or sudo

npm install -g typescript

install grunt-cli with admin

npm install -g grunt-cli

install grunt-init

npm install -g grunt-init

download grunt-init template or create yourself

git clone https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-init-gruntfile.git ~/.grunt-init/grunt-init-gruntfile

go to project folder

create package.json

npm init

then create gruntfile

grunt-init grunt-init-gruntfile

install grunt-typescript --save-dev means depancence will not be installed under production you need have package.json created first

npm install grunt-typescript --save-dev

config grunt-typescript


  // Project configuration.
    // Task configuration.
     typescript: {
      base: {
        src: ['TypeScriptFundamental/scripts/*.ts'],
        dest: 'TypeScriptFundamental/output',
        options: {
          module: 'amd', //or commonjs
          target: 'es5', //or es3
          base_path: 'TypeScriptFundamental/scripts',
          sourcemap: false,
          fullSourceMapPath: false,
          declaration: false,


when you run grunt typescript, you will see your javascript generated in output folder

then install grunt watch

npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev

config watch

/*global module:false*/
module.exports = function(grunt) {

  // These plugins provide necessary tasks.
  // Project configuration.
    // Task configuration.
     typescript: {
      base: {
        src: ['TypeScriptFundamental/scripts/*.ts'],
        dest: 'TypeScriptFundamental/output',
        options: {
          module: 'amd', //or commonjs
          target: 'es5', //or es3
          base_path: 'TypeScriptFundamental/scripts',
          sourcemap: false,
          fullSourceMapPath: false,
          declaration: false,
    watch: {
      files: ['TypeScriptFundamental/scripts/*.ts'],

  // Default task.
  grunt.registerTask('default', ['watch']);



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