07 February 2015

update docker on ubuntu server

wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/gpg | apt-get add -
echo deb http://get.docker.com/ubuntu docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
apt-get update
apt-get install lxc-docker
  1. configuring docker to communicate over network

docker use unix socket to communicate with client and server, the unix socket file locate under /run/docker.sock

step config docker server: 1. check tcp listening program netstat -tlp 2. stop docker by service docker stop 3. docker -H -d & 4. check tcp again netstat -tlp

config docker client

export DOCKER_HOST=”tcp://”

check docker by docker version

note: the -H options can be multipal, we can bind both tcp and unix sock on the same server

docker -H -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -d &

  1. where docker save the files on container

first you need to know the id of your container, it’s a hash, then find the hash under ls -la /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/

list all images

docker images

list all specified images

docker images fedora    //this list all installed fedora images

pull images

docker pull coreos/etcd

images installed under /var/lib/docker/<driver>

docker images –tree

show all layer of images

docker run

docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash

docker attach

attach container

ctrl + p + q to exit container without stop the container

copy images to other hosts

docker run ubuntu /bin/bash -c "echo 'cool content' > /tmp/cool-file"

docker save -o /tmp/fridge.tar fridge

/tmp/fridge.tar is the dest of the image tarball

docker load -i /tmp/fridge.tar

import the tar file to the host

docker top

docker top command let use see the top process running in the container

docker run command

docker run –cpu-shares docker run memory=1g //limit the container memory to 1g

docker run -d ubuntu:14.04.1 /bin/bash run as daem

docker inspect

docker attach <containerName/Id>

note: the container exit while the command running inside it exit, that means the command running inside the container must running in frontend process, this is important

set alias for docker ps

alias dps=”docker ps”


if you want to run multipal process in one container, check this out

getting a shell in a container

  1. nsenter

allows us to enter Namespaces requires the containers’ PID

get from “docker inspect | grep pid"

nsenter -m -u -n -p -i -t pid /bin/bash

-m mount namespace -u uts namespace -n network namespace -p process namespace -i ipc namespace -t target

  1. docker-enter
  2. docker exec -it /bin/bash

if we don’t have nsenter or docker-enter installed on our host machine, we could use docker volumn to quick install these tools

docker -run -v /usr/local/bin:/target jpetazzo/nsenter

this command map the /target from the image jpetazzo/nsenter to /usr/local/bin from host machie, so these two commands installed into the host machine

push image to private registry

  1. tag the image

docker tag <imageId> <registryurl:port>/name

  1. push the image

docker push <registryurl:port>/name

set default config


DOCKER_OPTS="--insecure-registry debian8.docker.course:5000"


docker images --tree

build from Dockerfile docker build -t"build1" .


#### RUN

RUN is a build time instruction


#### CMD


Shell Form: CMD echo "hello world" Exec Form: CMD ["command", "arg1"] –recommand

CMD only execute at run time, it will be executed when launch a container

usually one per Dockerfile




docker run <imageName> hello there!

==> hello there!

ENTRYPOINT instruction is similer with CMD, the difference is it > Can’t be overridden at run-time with normal commands > docker run … , any command passed by docker run is treated as argument

when ENTRYPOINT is defined, CMD will be treated as argument too, CMD can be used as default argument at this time



ENV var1=ping \

CMD $var1 $var2



VOLUME /data that way, make any containers launch with this images store the date on the docker host file system

volume is used to seprate datastorage from container, as we know container will be disposed as long as it was rm, so does the datastoreage

docker run -it -v /test-vol --name=voltainer ubuntu /bin/bash

then we can use --volumns-from to consume this container

docker run -it --volumns-from=voltainer ubuntu /bin/bash

we can access that volumn even if the voltainer container stopped or deleted

docker run -v /data:/data   this will map the /data directory from the host machine to /data inside the container

delete the container with the volumn

docker rm -v

tips: reduce the number of layers

RUN apt-get update \
	apt-get install -y \
	apache2 \
	apache2-utils \
	vim \
	&& apt-get clean \
	&& ....

instead of RUN each of these commands in new layer, it’s better to compact these commandes into one layers

docker run with port

docker run -d -p 80:80 <imageName>

docker logs -f

this act likes tail -f follow the stdout of container


when install the docker daem, it will install docker0 as in network interface on the machine we could use bridge-utils (apt-get install bridge-utils) to inspect the info

brctl show docker0

the metadata of contanier locate at /var/lib/docker/containers/containerId/

there is two files, hosts and resolv.conf, the resolv.conf is simply a copy of the host machine’s resolv.conf from /etc/resolv.conf

we can changes the dns config in docker run command

docker run --dns= --name=dnstest net-img

exposing ports

docker port view exposed ports

docker run -d -p 5002:80/udp --name=web2 apache-img use udp

if we have two network interface, we could specify a network interface docker run -d -p --name=web3 apache-img

linking containers

docker run --name=src -d img

docker run --name=reciver --link=src:alias-src -it ubuntu:15.04 /bin/bash

docker inspect reciver the links property shows alias-src


docker -d -l debug &

under /etc/default/docker file

append line DOCKER_OPTS=”–log-level=fatal”

service docker start //start docker as service

customize docker0 bridge ip address

ip link del docker0 delete the docker0 interface

under /etc/default/docker file

DOCKER_OPTS=”–bip=” this will change the container’s ip

iptables -L -V      //to check the iptables 

DOCKER_OPTS=”–icc=false” //stop any interal contailer communication default is true DOCKER_OPTS=”–icc=true –iptables=false” //set if docker engine can modify the setting of iptables

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