28 September 2013


New Keyword in Generic

public interface IReadOnlyRepository<out T>

public interface IWriteOnlyRepository<in T>

What’s the meaning?

First of all, Covariance and Contravariance can only be used in Interface or Delegate In my point of view, the keyword out means the Generic Type can only be used as return value, it can not be used as parameter,we can use Derived class to replace the Generic Type.

and the keyword in means the Generic Type can only be used as parameter and can not be used as return value, we can use Base class to replace the Generic Type

Still, What’s that mean?

image we have three class

public class Person {}

public class Employee : Person {}

public class Manager : Employee {}

now we have a generic repository

public interface IRepository<T>  {}

public void Dump(IRepository<Person> repository)
    // do sth

what if I want to Dump both Employee and Manager?

we can use Covairance to help this out

public interface IReadOnlyRepository<out T>
    T FindById(int id);
public interface IRepository : IReadOnlyRepository

class ConcreateRepository : IRepository
    public Employee FindById(int id)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void Add(Employee newEntity)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public class CovarianceTest
    public void DumpPeople(IReadOnlyRepository<Person> repository)

    public void Covariance()
        IRepository<Employee> rep = new ConcreateRepository();

as we can see ConcreateRepository implements IRepository<Employee> and Method DumpPeople accpet a parameter as IReadOnlyRepository<Person>, we still able to pass ConcrateRepository as parameter to DumpPeople this is the power of Covariance

On the other hand, if new requirement coming, said we need a method AddManager that accept a parameter as IRepository<Manager>

How can our ConcreateRepository fit this requirement?

We need the power of Contravariance

public interface IWriteOnlyRepository
    void Add(T newEntity);
public interface IRepository<T> : IWriteOnlyRepository<Manager>

public class CovarianceTest
    public void AddManager(IWriteOnlyRepository<Manager> repository)
        repository.Add(new Manager());

    public void Covariance()
        IRepository<Employee> rep = new ConcreateRepository();

We create a new interface IWriteOnlyRepository<in T>

because IRepository<T> is the subclass of IWriteOnlyRepository<Manager> and Manager is BaseClass of Employee, so we could pass ConcreateRepository as parameter to AddManager

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