03 November 2013

we have been used to clone a remote branch to local and pull or push the code to remote, but how can we create the local branch first and then push to remote?

when we init a local repository

git init

git help us create a local repository, we can use following command to see the remote branch of this local one

git remote -v

and you will see nothing, because we haven’t set up remote branch for it. to setup remote branch >git remote -add origin url

origin is an arbitrary name, you can call it anything, and url is the remote address, you can also use ssh protcal, if you setup ssh key on your local machine

git remote -add origin https://github.com/xujihui1985/TypeScriptFundamental.git

this is not finished. after we add remote branch, we need to fetch the remote to local git fetch then we need to setup the relationship between your localbranch and remotebranch using following command >git branch –set-upstream-to origin/branchname

we need to checkout the master branch first, master is the local branch name, origin is the remote repository name you just create, and branchname is the remote branchname

after that you can use git pull and git push to sync your local branch with remote branch

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