16 November 2014

What is javascript Eventloop

First of all.

Javascript is single thread, that means, it do one thing at one time, it has only one thread (main thread), **one call stack **

when an async function called, like setTimeout, XMLHttpRequest, Dom event called, it was executed on another thread, which is browser webapis and pop the main stack immedidatly and when it done, it put it’s callback on the task queue

and then, eventloop comes in, eventloop did only one thing, it looks the stack and the task queue, if the stack is empty (important), it pop the first thing from the queue to the stack

eventloop is like a worker, to transport event from eventloop to the callstack to execute the callback

why async function matter?

the browser do repaint every 16 ms (1000/60FPS), and it will be blocked if there is something executed on the callstack. so if we are doing something long time in a blocking way, the ui blocked, and you can’t click on the browser, but if we seprate it into chunck and do it by async way, we give the browser a chance to repaint (the priority of repaint queue is higher then task queue).

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