11 May 2014
	const pointer //you can't change it to point to somewhere else
	int * const cpI;

	const int* cpI //you can't use it to change the value of the target


	#include <memory>
	std::shared_ptr<Resource> pResource; //declare a shared_ptr
	// use std::make_shared to initialize Resource instance
	pResource = std::make_shared<Resource>(firstname);

	auto sharedPointer = std::make_shared<Person>("Sean", "xu");


the & before variable is to get the address of that variable eg:

	int i = 10;
	int* pint = &i;  // which means pint is a point to i
	*pint = 12;  // change the value that pint point to in this case the value of i will be changed to 12

	 int& j = i;

     j = 12;
	Tweeter localT("Twetter",123,"@local");
	Person& localp = localT;


what’s the difference between reference and pointer?


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